I was cleaning through yet another pile of school junk, I swore I'd made it through all of them, but alas, there was one hiding in the kitchen, and I came across this little gem . . . I love you too Brooklyn, you've inspired me!
I love Brooklyn because she's sweet as can be, through and through. Whenever I'm stuck in the middle of a difficult project with work, she's always willing to make the boys lunch, or everyone dinner. I love that whenever I can't find her, I finally walk to the black comfy chair in my bedroom, and there she'll be, nose stuck in a thick book.
I love the way she sits next to me in my office and watches me work. Over and over she'll just exclaim, "You're the coolest mom. You can do anything on the computer." I love that she giggles and smiles and lights up the room when she walks in. I love that she's stubborn about eating vegetables, but doesn't throw them up at the table anymore. I'm thrilled to have a coupon buddy in the grocery store, and I love listening to her get her "Mommy voice" going when she's trying to reign in the boys. She sounds just like me. I love her beautiful smile, her amazing eyes, you can see Jesus right in the middle of them, I swear it! Look for yourself.
I love everything about you Brooklyn, and I'm thrilled each day with the way you're growing and maturing. I laugh at you when you're staring at yourself in the mirror, and I remember noticing my mom doing the same thing when I was your age and I was the one staring. . . It's ok, I stare at you too. Totally and completely in awe.
By: Gina Root