The fun continued today as soon as Corban was out the door to preschool and it was just Nate and I in the house. Fond of the excitement of shedding his training wheels, he agreed to shed a little more!

Now, if our trend continues I have until he's 8 til our next visit, plenty of time to save up for the deductible he always seems to meet for the year in a single visit. These pictures don't seem to capture the intensity of the situation, since they were after the stitch and clean up portion of the day. I have much gushier pictures on my blackberry, but you're lucky I can't figure out how to get them off and put them up here! Brooklyn and Corban were home from school sick with fever, sore throats, and Fifth Disease, I could post some pictures of their lovely rashes? Any takers?
Another of our favorite activities was skeet shooting. Did I spell that right?
Anyway, the kids were in charge of loading the clay discs on the shooter and firing them into the air. The adults took turns firing off the rifles. Having never shot a gun at a moving target, I was especially proud of myself, connecting on my first pull out of the gate!
We sat out the rain and tornado watch inside with good books, poker, and constant tournaments on the Wii and Guitar Hero. The kids are certainly little rockers!
Once the rain subsided, it was time for the best time of every trip out to the ranch. Mudding! We took the four wheelers through every puddle we could find. One was so large it completely went over us and drenched us in one shot.
We were brown throughout our hair, nose, and clothes! It was an absolute blast!
We also really enjoyed going out on the lake in kayaks, playing tether ball and hiking through the rock formations around the tanks. We saw wild turkeys, wild hogs, some bunnies and bugs, and a lot of tracks.
The boys favorite part was riding around on Mr. Adam's smaller four wheelers. Nathan showed no fear right from the beginning, gladly taking them up and over the hills and jumps. Corban was more timid, and then went and flipped the four wheeler over on himself taking a corner too fast! It was a scary moment, but he brushed himself off and was back on it by the end of the trip.
It's becoming a yearly tradition for us, and we love it. We all love being outside, and having no set schedule. We eat well, play hard, and just enjoying being together in the wild. (With potties and running water though!)