We flew in from our wonderful trip to Utah and drove straight to Nana and Grandpa's on Christmas Eve. We settled in for the night, opting to skip our traditional service at their church since I wasn't moving too well. Christmas morning was amazing. Santa had made stocking cones out of some wrapping paper we had laying around since I forgot to bring the kids stockings with us, he is quite ingenious you know! The kids got gaming chairs and new games for their DS's. Brooklyn received a magic Santa coin, redeemable for one mattress of her choosing at any store in town. I guess it would have probably taken up too much space in the sleigh, so the coin works much better! They also received Heeley's from Nana and Grandpa and fun games, toys, and books from their Aunt Becky & Uncle Kevin, and Uncle David. It was also our first chance to give presents to our soon to arrive baby nephew. Even though he's a Graham, he's got good Roots, so we outfitted him with Roots clothing, and a shirt and stocking set that I had embroidered to read, MY ROOTS ROCK! Becky is that perfect cute stage of pregnancy. Still comfortable, and oh so adorable! She's having a great pregnancy and we're all thankful for that. Can't wait for his arrival in April!!!
We had a great day playing their new games, Brooklyn especially loved Rumikub! It was a wonderful, Vicadin induced pain free day!
Okay, I am LOVING how creative that Santa is! Stocking cones, wow! He even found us at Grannie and PawPaws. He is so ingenious! Love you!
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