Saturday, September 6, 2008

God listens to us, and Ella listens to God!

God is just plain ol amazing. Our dog Ella was missing for several hours today. Jason and I went everywhere looking for her, poor Jason walked through head high weeds and was cut to pieces by bullnettles and more. I just kept praying, knowing God was in control. The boys paused their movie and sat praying for her, and Corban said, "I prayed five times over and over mom." I know it His will that Ella be part of our family. He hand picked her for us and she is perfectly suited to being our pet. After exhausting ourselves searching we left the back gate open and fed the boys lunch. Just now I was sitting staring out the window and Corban said, "Mom, look at this," And I said, "No, Corban, I just want to look out the window for Ella." He didn't say another word, he walked outside and in his precious little (loud) voice began calling for her from the porch. I started crying, listening to him call for her, and my spirit lit up and my hair stood up and I just began praying outloud, "Lord, answer the prayer of that little boy, grow his faith right now, bring her home now to his call." And, wouldn't you know it, she ran straight through the gate right up to him. Corban ran into me, and said, "Mom, I did it! I prayed and I yelled and she came back!" and I just told him "I am so proud of you, Jesus listened to your prayer! Way to go Corban." Way to go God.


Linda "Grammy" Woods said...

Corban, yes God knows our hearts, hears our prayers and see our tears (even when they are held inside) - praise God that Ella was being watched over and brought home safely. Be sure she has a special tag "Return me to my family" ... and your phone number so that if she gets lost someone can call you. Pets are special - they become family :)