We always have so much fun on Halloween! The kids really enjoyed picking out their costumes this year. Nathan and Corban decided to be The Super Mario Brothers from Nintendo, and they were quite adorable. (Much better than the blood and guts costumes they were otherwise insisting on buying!) Brooklyn chose a Candy Corn Witch costume, which she made look downright precious. We spent pre-Halloween time at Mimi's to celebrate the October Birthdays together, and
The Crazy Gang gave us a preview of their costumes.

On Halloween day the kids wore their costumes to school for the annual Character Parade, and then after school we made a trip to Sonic, stopped by the Lee's to say Hi, and then joined the neighborhood party at the Bribiesca's.

They went all out this year with magicians, great food, and cool door prizes. It was so fun to just hang out with our friends and enjoy the beautiful evening.

Jason dressed up as The Geico Gecko and when he got home from work, (yes, he wore the costume to work), he joined the party in progress and delighted everyone with his unique dance moves!
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