Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Mom Moments

Today has been a blessed day with my boys and I think I'll take a moment to brag on them.
I went through the pile of bring home papers on my kitchen counter today and saw this.
Translation: I Show Respect for others by "help[ing] people learn about God. It is fun."
Last night as we laid down for prayers the kids went through their usual "Thank you for my mom and dad and family, and pets, and all the people in the world, AMEN!" Routine. Usually I just try to lead by example, but they are studying prayer in their classes at Gateway so I asked them if they thought that was the kind of prayer life they wanted to have with God. Nathan said, "No, not really. Prayer is suppossed to be a conversation with God, not to God." When I asked him what that meant to him, he said, "I need to listen too, not just talk." We then talked some more about their memory verse this week. Psalm 68:2 "Pour out your heart to Him, for God is our refuge." After defining what refuge was, I asked if they wanted to try their prayers again. Corban said yes and this is what his sweet heart said with a very genuine tone in his precious 5 year old voice.
"Lord, I just want to thank you for loving us. Please help us talk to you better. Please help that little boy on the screen at church today, [Aydan Torres Pavelka], help him get better, sleep good without being scared, and be with his mom and dad and his grandma while they sit with him in the hospital. Lord, thank you for placing your love on us. And oh, yeah, I love you so much too. In Jesus Name, Amen."
It was said so tenderly, it brought forth the most beautiful picture in my head, "thank you for placing your love on us." I could see the Father wrapping a physical presence of love around me, and I enjoyed the warmth.


Anonymous said...

Those are both so sweet they made me cry!