Now, come on! You knew it wouldn't be too long for me to hold out whacking off Corban's hair too! I must admit, that now that we've done it, of course he's adorable, I mean it's Corban, but I can't wait for it to grow out again! He's just my little surfer dude, and it fits his personality so much better. But that being said, getting his haircut was a blessing from God. You can not even begin to comprehend my shock when the stylist called me over to show me the lice in Corban's hair. They were all full grown, and there weren't very many, but they were there, crawling around in my baby's beautiful hair. I almost lost it! The stylist cutting Brooklyn's hair said, "Oh, well she doesn't have any." Which turned out to not be the truth! Nathan was spared, and of course Jason's bald head was clear, and according to Jason I am clear too. It's been an exhausting couple of days trying to completely strip beds, clean the house, do laundry, bag up toys, etc etc etc. They both only had a few full grown lice, so it was a recent exposure, and we haven't seen any in days, believe me I go through their hair strand by strand! No nits either. Had Brooklyn not insisted, as she was prompted by the Holy Spirit to do, incessantly to go get her hair cut shorter for summer, we might not have found them until after they had laid eggs and multiplied exponentially. Thank you Father!
Picture of Corban's New Do Coming Soon
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