The family arrived at 4pm yesterday to a fully furnished and stocked apartment. They were in complete shock. The boys were afraid to enter their room, but once they did they grabbed their toys, chose their beds, and began playing. There were balls, scooters, walkie talkies, board games, in their room, and two new bikes and countless new shirts and pants in their closet. Isabel right away began opening the closet full of toys we had bought for her. When she saw the baby doll and stroller she said, "I always want one of those!" It was so precious. The kids stayed in her room, helping her unpackage all of her treasures.

It was wonderful for them to be there and share this with them. I want service, a heart for the poor and lost, a giving spirit to be part of who they are. At first I was a little concerned that they would be overwhelming in a tiny apartment, and I was dissappointed I couldn't find a sitter to watch them, but God knew better. They were purposed to be there, for them, for Isabel and her family, and for the countless of others they will bless in their lifetime because of the heritage of selflessness Jason and I are growing in them. My mom had a great time sewing little prom dresses down to her size so she could play dress up. She was thrilled and twirled all around her room in the different princess gowns!
This precious mother began jumping up and down when she saw her Master Bedroom. The bed looked absolutely gorgeous and the adjoining bath coordinated beautifully.The cabinets were stocked, the fridge full of fresh food, this family has a chance at a wonderful fresh start.
Please continue to be in prayer for this young family. She is looking for a job in the Grapevine area, so please pray earnestly for that.
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